Real Life Meeting Invite

Hey Noah,

I've never told you this but you
inspired me back in Berkeley. I was a freshman
at the very first CSBA meeting and your pitch
seemed to make sense. I ended up majoring in
both CS and Business (and somehow a music
minor as well).

8 years ago I started my own company. We have
bootstrapped to over $150m in total revenue.
We own various shopify stores and make our
own Shopify apps. I'm still inspired by the way
you approach scale at appsumo.
1 happen to be in Austin on Monday and would
love to meet you for tacos, a walk/workout, or
whatever you happen to be doing.
You down?

Arjun Ohri
My cell: XXXXXX

Btw - Facebook says we have 53 mutual friends,
so it's about time we meet